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The Real Meaning of Christmas
"I can't feel the Christmas."
Many times this thought had crossed your mind. Many times you’ve felt this and you wonder why. Maybe it’s because you're not pleased or because you’re the only person left without a gift. But whatever the reason is, we must remember that Christmas is neither about us (it never was) nor about the gifts around the Christmas tree. It's about a child who was born to redeem the world and give us hope.
The night when people we're busy with their lives, a woman named Mary is about to give birth to her son. With her husband Joseph, they wander along Jerusalem to look for a place where she could deliver her child comfortably. On and on they went, however didn't find any. And so they end up in a manger in Bethlehem. They have no choice but to deliver the baby in that messy, smelly manger with the farm animals, not knowing that that boy will be the greatest man in history.
Up until now, that story remains alive and unforgettable for everyone. Probably, many people had it memorized but still never got the real essence of it. What was Christmas for?
Every year, we celebrate Christmas; sometimes with our friends, sometimes with our workmates or classmates, but most of the time with our families. We got loads of parties everywhere (the more organizations you have, the more parties you'll have to go to), from school to church, from office to your barangay. These parties and celebrations cause us to become busy and consume our time, energy and (of course) money, that we forget what these parties are for. We became more focus on ourselves, what we should be wearing on the night of December 24th, what meals should we prepare, what stuffs should we buy with our 13th month pay and many other questions that had the same answer: to impress and make ourselves presentable. And so Christmas became about us, not about the Celebrator. We feast on the Noche Buena without inviting Him, the reason why we celebrate. We give gifts without thinking of Him who has given us everything. We greet everyone with "Merry Christmas" without greeting Him "Happy Birthday" first. Children wait for Santa Claus’ coming rather than Jesus’ birth. In short, we forgot Him. In the Christmas picture, Christ was missing, so instead of Christmas, it became X-mas for many.
When Christ is not our reason to celebrate the season, we missed the whole point of Christmas itself. Christmas is called Christmas because it is intended to celebrate for Christ. Imagine your birthday, why do your families and friends celebrate it? It's because it’s your special day. It's like welcoming you in this world and acknowledging your arrival. And what moved them to celebrate? Because they loved you. Christmas is about love. God's Love.
So this Christmas share this love with others and be thankful for everything. Don't worry about what you get in the dining table, it's not the banquet that matters, it's the heart we give and the happiness we had as we welcome our Savior.
So whenever the thought of not feeling the Christmas comes into your mind again, just let your heart feel the presence of Christ and you'll know that Christmas is in the air. And if you still haven't got a gift with you, cheer up! Christmas isn't about receiving gifts, nor giving gifts. It's about opening a gift. The one God has for us: Jesus Christ. Have merry CHRIST mas everyone!
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