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The Cover Matters
From flirty to dignified, funny to serious, popular to unpopular, and good to bad. Since the emergence emergence of the popularity of magazines in the late of 1700’s its covers had always been given importance and is much scrutinized by the viewing public. Magazine editors and the staffs behind it always give fuss to what it should like.
The Cover and Its Importance
“It is such an honor to be on the cover and I am thrilled”, Demi Lovato, 19 year-old Hollywood Actress and Pop Star on the January 2012 cover of Seventeen Magazine.
The importance of magazine covers in the whole magazine issue defies an ancient adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Why? Because these covers define what a magazine offers to every issue it publishes.
It is the cover that lets the readers decide if it is interesting to buy or not. Every Publisher and editor knows of that fact.It will make or break the magazine's buy for a certain period of time. That is why, it is examined clearly before getting published. It is also the reason why models and other celebrities celebrate when being ask to be on a cover of a magazine.
"The cover image and design reinforce the brand, an important identification factor because the average reader spends only three to five seconds scanning a magazine cover before deciding whether to buy that issue. Magazine covers not only offer information about what’s inside a particular issue, they also provide significant cultural cues about social, political, economic, and medical trends. As both historical artifacts and marketing tools, magazine covers deserve closer study."http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/files/mag.htm)
In each magazine cover contains what you can read and what you can found inside a magazine. Every part of the cover gives out information of what the magazine’s theme is for a certain week or month.
Masthead - magazine title on top of the cover
Dateline - date of the magazine along with the publication's price
Main Cover Line- main topic of the magazine issue
Selling Line - magazine's motto underneath the masthead
Main Image - biggest picture on the cover of the magazine
Cover Lines - blurbs advertising the other topics featured inside of magazine, usually on the left and right sides of the cover
Bar Code - the UPC code scanned by cashiers when they sell the magazine
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