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cause,depression,emo,fight,help,life,live,suicide,suicide rate,thoughts,you should not have
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Thoughts you should not have (Helping you out of suicide)
This topic is supposedly for my first vlog, but since I still don't have the time to make it (and you know, I'm not that confident enough), I wrote it for this blog instead. I will definitely make a follow up vlog on this soon (I guess), and I’m hoping you will also check that out.
First, why suicide? I mean, of all the subjects in the world, you might be asking why I chose this one. Well, I think it's controversial, very sensitive, and interesting. Interesting because I myself have experienced it.
Checking some details about suicide, I found out that almost one million people commit suicide every year, with global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000. It means that one people commit suicide and die every 40 seconds [4]. It's alarming, isn't it?
But, we can avoid this! (Based on my experience) Just lend a hand to someone we know that have this kind of tendency or, if you know that you have it, I hope you will read this article until the end.
First, why suicide? I mean, of all the subjects in the world, you might be asking why I chose this one. Well, I think it's controversial, very sensitive, and interesting. Interesting because I myself have experienced it.
Checking some details about suicide, I found out that almost one million people commit suicide every year, with global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000. It means that one people commit suicide and die every 40 seconds [4]. It's alarming, isn't it?
But, we can avoid this! (Based on my experience) Just lend a hand to someone we know that have this kind of tendency or, if you know that you have it, I hope you will read this article until the end.
I know we can't stop ourselves from being depressed. It is natural for us to feel down when things didn’t go the way we want it to be, when we experience rejections or when we fail. It is okay to feel bad but the question is, how would/should you respond? Will you just drop dead, locked up yourself in your room and let those thoughts consume you, then commit suicide? It is not the end of the world!
There's a lot of things we can discover in social media. If you feel depressed, try to look for bright pictures and explore the hidden treasures of the earth.
Will you let "depression" laughed on your remains? I hope not! Allow yourself to experience the other and bright side of the world.
As I checked online, I found that guys are more prone to suicide [1]. I think this is because most men have higher ego than women. Girls have their own way to vent out, either with their friends, diaries or relatives, unlike guys, who often find it difficult to express themselves. Men usually hide their sorrows until their helplessness consumes them. Guys! There's nothing wrong about crying. It won't make you less of a man to sit down and express yourself without drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Yeah, it will give you comfort during tough times but that comfort is just temporary. The problem is still there, you will just make yourself more terrible after.
"Because they see their friends doing it." [2]
An article from pulitzercenter.org [2] reported that Greenland has the highest suicide rate, and noted to be the "Suicide capital of the world". The country actually have estimated rate of 100 person per 100,000 who commit suicide per year, twice Japan’s suicide rate; the Asian country has been documented to have suicide phenomenon during crisis.
What is alarming is the fact that teens and young adults comprised most of the suicide victims. The reason is still unknown but the article suggests that one reason could be because they have been influenced by their peers or environment. Because they saw their friends doing it.
Do you find it cool cutting your wrist? There is more to life than to bleed, than to be hanged, than to take excessive drugs, than letting your brain burst out.
Another cause of suicide could be being addicted to social media. Why? Because some people are using the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc., to hurt other people. Since conversations are only on the Internet and not personal, people don’t mind if they have offended others with what they do. This is popular as Cyberbullying. According to an article from timesofindia.indiatimes.com [4], many people can't handle online rejection. Too much freedom of speech can cause people to say and do harmful things, to the point of judging other people they don’t even know.
Even if you know the person his/her whole life, you can’t condemn them, because only God can judge people, unless you don’t believe in God. An advertisement reminds us to think before we post something [5]. I'm not saying that we should always play safe but we have to use our right to speak freely or voice out freely in moderation. If you want to post something that you think will end territory conflicts, can end world hunger, can end the government crisis or will bring social change perhaps, why not? Opinions can be powerful if it is constructive. Don't be like some people who just want to prove their dominance, thus, fighting with anyone online.
Quoting Helen Keller, “Keep your face to the sunshine and you can never see the shadow.” It means that as long as we keep on looking into the bright side, our attention to those problems will lessen [6]. We have to focus on the right direction.
I personally follow @earthpics on Twitter and every time I see their posts I found myself relaxed. There's more to life than the sadness we feel. I'm not saying to just ignore these emotions, but if we look on the brighter side of things, it will ease the pain we feel today. Trust me!
In closing, never let things set the end of your life. We just have to have a higher motivation, a higher calling. Don't let "depression" laughed at you because they messed you up. Prove that you are still worthy to live life to the fullest. Appreciate life.
Don't follow trends that will cause you harm and end up killing yourself. Cry out loud and express your emotions, it won’t make us less of a person but will actually make us stronger.
And fight for yourself, because someone had already fought it for you.
1. Www.who.int - "Suicide rates per 100,000 by country, year and sex (table)" as of 2011
2. Pulitzercenter.org - "Why do so many greenlander's kill themselves." 2009
3. Rightdiagnosis.com - "Common causes of suicidal tendencies"
4. Timesofindia.indiatimes.com - "Social Media emerging as contributor to suicides: Psychiarist" 2013
5. GMA’s “Think before you Click” campaign
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